Aaaaaaaaaye! Finally finished these LOL. It took me forever cause I had to manually do all the files, CAS Tools basically gave up on me when I tried cloning these. I needed more fin-like ears for my mermaids, so here I am sharing my silly lil ears with the rest of the world in case others are in the same dying need as I am LOL.
Also yes, I have a new cc post layout, I was well overdue for a change methinks.
– Unisex
– All LODS
– New Mesh
– 2 versions (custom colors and skin color)
– Available for all ages
– Polys: 3740
– Assigned to Birthmarks, Body Scars, Occult and Skin Details
– Disallowed for Random (At least im 99% sure I fixed that)
**Known issues:** These ears use a small portion of the Hat texture slot, meaning hats will most likely not be compatible with this. If you can’t find some of my cc in your game, it’s likely you’ll need it (like occult detail slots). I’d recommend getting ear remover presets so the sim’s ears underneath don’t clip through them too much.
– You can recolor and edit my meshes, but please just link back to my original post! ♡
– **DON’T** reupload, claim as your own or put behind a paywall.
– You can tag me so I can see what you do with my cc!