Higher University Tuition
Hi all! I recently made a mod to increase tuition in game. I know Zero has their version but considering how they have been outed...
Forgotten Hollow Loading Screens
Here are 6 loading screens available for you to download: Forgotten Hollow. The second slide has a number on each loading screen so you know...
Feeling Enamored
Feeling enamored? Check out my latest creations, Enamorada and Pinterested ! 💖✨
Pink And Black Plumbobs
Pink and Black Plumbobs! This changes the color of the Plumbobs. There’s two flavors of colors, ONLY choose one. Pink replaces Green, Orange, Red; Yellow...
Create Your Own Main Menu Tutorial
This tutorial will walk you through creating your own main menu override based on my custom repository. What is required: JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler, Sims...