by pizazz
Summer Days Swimsuit for your game.
image above was taken in game so that you can see how it will look while you play. Pic only shows 2 of 15 different styles of the Summer Days Swimsuit
Base game
15 colors / swatches
outfit, swim wear, swimwear, swimsuit, swim suit, bathing, suit, full, party, summer, posh, fashion, images, image, pic, pics, floral, teen, adult, and elder
Filesize: 2 MB
Type: Outfits
Recoloring Allowed: No
Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 4184
Polycount LOD 1: 2086
Polycount LOD 2: 1140
Polycount LOD 3 (lowest): 494
Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
Author: pizazz