Rainbow 6 Siege Frost
THANK YOU!: @bdangkingfish @cctreasuretrove @exzentra-reblog @ts4cc-finds @sssvitlanz
Tech Specs:
– Mesh Originally From Ubisoft, Converted to XNALARA By My DeviantART Friend, BlinkjisooXPS and Converted to Sims 4 By Me
– Custom Thumbnail
– HQ Compactible
– Age Range: Teen to Elder
– Category: Costume
– Female Only
Since I Found Enemy force In this game Got Horrible Design. So I Decide to Making A Montage With More Known Enemy. If you know what I Mean LOL. Special Thanks to @helenofsimblr for Marvelous pose 😀
Tsang was raised in Vancouver, British Columbia. When she turned eighteen, Tsang enlisted with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). She was sent to the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC) as an Officer cadet and graduated top of her class. After completing a bachelor’s degree in Science and Mechanical Engineering, she completed her officer training and was stationed at CFB Esquimalt with the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Victoria (JRCC Victoria). From there she served on the primary Search & Rescue response team covering British Columbia and the Yukon Territory. An avid hunter, Tsang has used leg-hold traps to capture prey from raccoons to mountain lions on Vancouver Island. She was later invited to join Joint Task Force 2 and was involved in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). In 2015 she was eventually recruited in Rainbow alongside Sebastien Côté.
#Rainbow6Siege #Frost #Sims4 #CustomContent #GamingCommunity