MY Little Vardo – The Boudoir By Fredbrenny Sims 4 CC

MY Little Vardo – The Boudoir By Fredbrenny

sims 4 cc my little vardo the boudoir by fredbrenny 5sims 4 cc my little vardo the boudoir by fredbrenny 4sims 4 cc my little vardo the boudoir by fredbrenny 3sims 4 cc my little vardo the boudoir by fredbrenny 2

A Boudoir is a woman’s private sitting room or salon in a furnished accommodation, usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman’s private bedroom. In this case, a private bedroom, and decorated for me (My little Vardo) so, for a female. Your man can live there too if he likes pink. But since when do we care what our Sims like? As long as YOU like it it will do. Tres chique, maybe a bit shabby chic. Have fun with it!

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